Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Saints + Scripture — Saturday, 20 October

The Long Road Back, Part XI of XX | Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea máxima culpa!

Saturday, 20 October was the Optional Memorial of Saint Paul of the Cross, Priest, C.P. (1694-1775, "God's Hunter of Souls," A.K.A. Paolo Francesco Danei), founder of the Passionists, formally the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ: Saint-link ūnus, Saint-link duo, & Wikipedia-link; Order-link & Wikipedia-link C.P.

Commentary: Wayback Machine. Quoth the Holy Redeemer bulletin:
He was an Italian mystic, & founder of the Passionists. The austerity of life practiced by the first Passionists did not encourage large numbers, but Paul preferred a slow, painful growth to something more spectacular.
'Twas also the festival of Saint Irene of Tomar, Virgin & Martyr (circa 635-653), martyred resisting the assassin-cum-rapist dispatched by her spurned stalker Britald: Martyr-link & Wikipedia-link.

'Twas also the festival of Saint Acca of Hexham, Abbot & Bishop, O.S.B. (circa 660-742), abbot of St. Andrew's Abbey at Hexham: Saint-link & Wikipedia-link; Wikipedia-link Abbey.

'Twas also the festival of Blessed Jakub Strzemię, Bishop, O.F.M. Cap. (circa 1340-1411, Anglicized as James of Strepar): Blessed-link & Wikipedia-link.

Scripture of That Day
Mass Readings—Saturday of the Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time
The Letter to the Ephesians, chapter one, verses fifteen thru twenty-three;
Psalm Eight, verses two & three(a/b), four & five, & six & seven;
The Gospel according to Luke, chapter twelve, verses eight thru twelve.

Commentary: Reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire):
Friends, in today’s Gospel Jesus tells us how to deal with persecution. When does the Church stop being persecuted? When the Lord returns, and not before.

From the earliest days until the present, the community of Jesus Christ has been the focus of the world’s violence. The Church will announce, until the end of time, that the old world is passing away, that a new world of love, nonviolence, and life is emerging. This announcement always infuriates the world of sin. Always. The twentieth century was the bloodiest on record—and the one with the most martyrs.

Here’s Jesus’ encouragement: "When they take you before synagogues and before rulers and authorities, do not worry about how or what your defense will be or about what you are to say. For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that moment what you should say."

What do we do in the meantime? We maintain a detachment from the world that is passing away, our eyes fixed on the world that will never end. And we speak. Confidently, boldly, provocatively. The message of the Gospel, the dying and rising of the Lord.
Video reflection by Marc DelMonico, Ph.D.: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Mass Readings—Optional Memorial of St. Paul of the Cross
The First Letter to the Corinthians, chapter one, verses eighteen thru twenty-five;
The Gospel according to Mark, chapter sixteen, verse fifteen;
The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter sixteen, verses twenty-four thru twenty-seven.

Papal Quote o' That Day
"It is not enough merely to formulate a social doctrine. It must be translated into reality. This is particularly true of the Church's social doctrine, which has truth as its light, justice as its objective, & love as its driving force."
—Pope St. John XXIII (1881-1963, feast day: 11 October)
Little Flower Quote o' That Day
"St. Paul assures us that without the Spirit of Love, we cannot call God our Father (confer Romans, 8:15)."
—St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Doctor of the Church (1873-1897, feast day: 1 October)
Commentary: St. Paul the Apostle, not that day's St. Paul of the Cross.

Saint Quote o' That Day
"Apart from the Cross there is no other ladder by which we may get to heaven."
—St. Rose of Lima (1586-1617, feast day: 23 August)

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