Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Saints + Scripture: Quadragesima — What's the Point?

Mass Matters?
The Church in her wisdom has decreed that the Mass is not important. More specifically, she has decreed that the faithful need never again hear the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, without any pain of sin. Certainly, all decrees to that effect have gestured toward all of these measures being intended as temporary, yet not a one has contained a date by which the interdict (not technically, but so to speak) will definitively be lifted, or; by what criteria it can be judged that the danger has passed. Thus, should the plague continue—by whatever standard, since none has been articulated—the prohibition against the faithful could well continue 'til Kingdom Come. Since the Church in her wisdom has decided that my full, active, & conscious participation at Mass isn't important, that as a layman I am unworthy to partake of the source & summit of the Christian faith (as the Second Vatican Council famously described the Eucharist), why should I regard as important my full, active, & conscious participation? Whom am I to presume to know better than the Princes of the Church?

The Church's lived witness is clear: Mass does not matter.

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