Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Bonus! Song o' the Day: King for a Day

"Weird Al" Yankovic, "King of Suede" from "Weird Al" Yankovic In 3-D (Mike Papa Whiskey)

"We got every color, we got every shade,
We're located next door to Willy's Fun Arcade,
We got every fabric that was ever made,
But I'm known in this city as the King of Suede…

"Our prices are low, my staff is underpaid,
You can buy off the rack or have it custom made,
And it's all guaranteed to never shrink or fade
'Cause of my reputation of the King of Suede…

"Well, I never made it passed the second grade,
It took all of my life for me to learn this trade,
But my friends are all thinking that I've got it made,
'Cause I'm known the world over as the King of Suede…

"Thirty years in the same location I have stayed,
There I am, right next door to Willy's Fun Arcade,
I got tough competition, but I'm not afraid,
'Cause it's my destiny to be the King of Suede!…"

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