Thursday, July 8, 2021

Bonus! Girl Trouble Song o' the Day

Reel Big Fish, "The Bad Guy" from We're Not Happy 'til You're Not Happy (Rude Boy Mike Papa Whiskey)

"This is not a song about the one who got away.
This is not a song about the girl who didn't love me.
Once again, I have made somebody cry,
Once again, once again, I am the bad guy.
I am the bad guy!

"It's me, but I'm not sorry I let you down!
It's me, but I'm not sorry I let you down!
It's me, but I'm not sorry I let you down!
Bet you wish I never came around, don't you?

"I didn't care that she'd do anything for me,
I didn't care that she would sell her soul to serve me,
As the tears fell from the corners of her eyes,
I walked away, I walked away, 'cause I'm the bad guy.
I am the bad guy!…"

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