Friday, February 28, 2025

The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Day

Reel Big Fish, "Everything Sucks" from Turn the Radio Off (Rude Boy Mike Papa Whiskey)

"I'm giving up because—

I know everything sucks, yeah,
I know everything sucks, whoa-oh-oh,
I know everything sucks, yeah,
And this is gonna be the last time you hear me complain…"

Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Day

Allister, "Fraggle Rock" from Dead Ends and Girlfriends (Mike Papa Whiskey)

"Dance your cares away,
Worries for another day,
Let the music play,
Down in Fraggle Rock!

"Work your cares away,
Dancing for another day,
Let the Fraggles play,
Down in Fraggle Rock!…"

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Day

Blink-182, "Reckless Abandon" from Take Off Your Pants and Jacket (Mike Papa Whiskey)

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Day

Bite Me Bambi, "Bad Boyfriend" from Eat This (Rude Boy Mike Papa Whiskey)

Commentary: "Bad Boyfriend" is the subject of this week's episode of the Chris DeMakes a Podcast songwriting podcast. After years of releasing singles & one extended play (E.P.), this very month Bite Me Bambi finally released an album, though with only eight songs Eat This is almost an extended E.P.

It's easy to imagine "Bad Boyfriend" as a future Anti-Valentine's R.B.D.S.O.T.D.

Monday, February 24, 2025

The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the War

Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros, "Minstrel Boy" from Black Hawk Down: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (Mike Papa Whiskey)

Operation AXIOM: The 3rd Anniversary of the Russian Re-invasion of Ukraine
Three years ago to the day, 24 February 2022, ground, air, & naval forces of the Russian Federation crossed the frontiers of both Russia & Belarus into Ukraine, a thrust aimed at capturing Kyiv & decapitating the Ukrainian government. The Kremlin's aim has been clearly stated, to erase the Ukrainian national identity & re-absorb the country into their sphere of influence, the Russkiy mir ("Russian world" & "Russian peace," mir being a multivalent word).

The war is not our fault, the war is the fault of Russian strongman Vladimir Putin & his personalist authoritarian regime. But we failed to deter Putin & we are to blame for our fecklessness. Putin, as prime minister under President Boris Yeltsin, cemented his legitimacy by re-invading Chechnya in 1999, returing the breakaway region to Moscow's control; we did nothing, despite the brutality of the Russian invasion. In 2008, Putin's Russia (at the time, he was prime minister under President Dmitri Medvedev) invaded Georgia, establishing a permanent military presence inside Georgia within the breakaway republics of Abkhazia & South Ossetia; we did nothing. In 2014 (when Joe Biden was vice president of the United States), Putin's Russia invaded Ukraine, illegally annexing the Crimean Peninsula & beginning an insurrgency in the Donbas; we did nothing. In the run-up to 2022's re-invasion of Ukraine, President Biden spent more time ruling out potential American responses than threatening an effective American response; that this utterly failed to deter the invasion became lamentably undeniable on 24 February two years hence.

Russia invaded the Ukraine, again, three years ago today, 24 February 2022.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Explorers' Club, № MLXXV

The Space Race—Astronaut Group 3 (the "Fourteen"), Part XIV
Roger Bruce Chaffee (15 February 1935-27 January 1967), Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy—He was scheduled to fly AS-204 (1967, redesignated Apollo 1), but died with Gus Grissom & Ed White in a fire during a ground test of their Apollo capsule; Chaffee replaced Donn Eisele, who injured his shoulder in training; Chaffee was one of four Purdue alumni astronauts to attend the 1967 Rose Bowl.
Bonus! Space Race Song o' the Day: The Fourteen—Roger Chaffee
Public Service Broadcasting, "Fire in the Cockpit" from The Race for Space (Space Cadet Mike Papa DSKY)

The Wayback Machine Tour of Roger Chaffee
"The Stars My Destination:" The Apollo 1 Disaster
"The Explorers' Club," No. XXXV
Requiescat in pace.

The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the VII Sunday in O.T.

The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Meredith Andrews, "The Gospel Changes Everything" from the Behold the Savior E.P. (Saint Mike Papa Whiskey)

Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Day

The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, "Everybody's Better" from A Jackknife to a Swan (Rude Boy Mike Papa Whiskey)

"Everybody's better than I am,
I think everybody's better than me,
And everybody's swell, I guess,
They're doing well, more or less,
And everybody's better than I am, I think.

"You know, to be king you don't need a castle,
To row back to shore can sure be a hassle.
(Why you walk around with your head low down?)

"Everybody's acting like I don't matter,
Everybody's into the act,
Too many of them to avoid,
It could be that I'm paranoid,
I matter as a matter of fact!

"You know, to be king you don't need a castle,
To row back to shore can sure be a hassle.

"Why you walk around with your head low down?
The true king rules without a crown.
If your boat's afloat after the typhoon,
Row it safely back to the lagoon,
And never mind the green grass you won't mow,
Or what it is you have or don't to show,
Or what it is you can or can't afford,
The good are good without reward…"

Friday, February 21, 2025

The Rebel Black Dot Love Song o' the Day!

The Aquabats!, "Lovers of Loving Love!" from The Aquabats! vs. The Floating Eye of Death! and Other Amazing Adventures, Vol. 1 (Captain Thumbs Up!)

"I'm so happy,
I'm so happy,
That I'm a boy and you're a girl, alright!
I'm so happy,
I'm so happy,
I'm overjoyed we're gonna hang out tonight!
I can't walk,
Can't move,
'Cause I'm paralyzed by your love, and that's O.K. by me!
I'm so happy,
I'm so happy,
It's real great we're lovers of loving love!
Lovers of loving love!…"

Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Rebel Black Dot Love Song o' the Day

Huey Lewis & the News, "The Power of Love" from the Greatest Hits: Huey Lewis & the News compilation (Mike Papa Whiskey)

"Tougher than diamonds, rich like cream,
Stronger and harder than a bad girl's dream,
Make a bad one good, make a wrong one right,
Power of love will keep you home at night.

"You don't need money, don't take fame,
Don't need no credit card to ride this train,
It's strong and it's sudden and it's cruel sometimes,
But it might just save your life…"

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The Rebel Black Dot Love Song o' the Day

New Found Glory, "The Glory of Love" from From the Screen to Your Stereo (Mike Papa Whiskey)

Commentary: A pop-punk cover of the Peter Cetera song from The Katate Kid.
"'Cause I am a man who will fight for your honor,
I'll be the hero that you're dreaming of,
Gonna live forever, knowing together
That we did it all for the glory of love…"

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Rebel Black Dot Love Song o' the Day

Bite Me Bambi, "Hot Lava" from the Hot Lava single (Rude Boy Mike Papa Whiskey)

"Baby, we're burnin' hot lava,
We're meltin' to the floor,
Baby, we're burnin' hot lava,
Please don't shut that door…"

Monday, February 17, 2025

The Rebel Black Dot Love Song o' the Day

Bobby Darin, "Beyond the Sea" from the The Ultimate Bobby Darin compilation (Mike Papa Whiskey)

"Somewhere, beyond the sea,
Somewhere, waiting for me,
My lover stands on golden sands
And watches the ships that go sailing.

"Somewhere, beyond the sea,
She's there watching for me,
If I could fly like birds on high,
Then straight to her arms I'd go sailing…"

Sunday, February 16, 2025

The Explorers' Club, № MLXXIV

Operation AXIOM: Destination Moon—The 60th Anniversary of AS-103
16 February 1965: AS-103 (Saturn I S.A.-9) lifted off from Florida's Cape Kennedy A.F.S., the third flight of a boilerplate Apollo C.S.M.; the Launch Escape System was jettisoned for the second time; AS-103 deployed the Pegasus I micrometeoroid detection satellite, which remained in operation until 1968 & in orbit until 1978; a television camera recorded the unfolding of Pegasus I's "wings."
Commentary: The AS-103 test flight was launched the day before the Ranger 8 lunar probe (episode № MLXXIII). Busy days on the "Space Coast," endeavoring to achieve the late President Kennedy's goal by the end-of-the-decade deadline.

Ex Luna, scientia.

The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the VI Sunday in O.T.

The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Samantha Ebert, "Flowers" from the Flowers single (Saint Mike Papa Whiskey)

Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Rebel Black Dot Love Song o' the Day

New Found Glory, "All about Her" from New Found Glory (Mike Papa Whiskey)

Commentary: We're trying something new this year. REDACTED, who is outright sentimental about romantic love, has always objected to an annual "Anti-Valentine's" showcase, not buying our argument that we are not opposed to romantic love per se, we are against Valentine's Day. So, if we are the hopeless romantics we claim to be, why not give love a chance?
"So forget all of your chances,
It's up to you to follow through,
Forget the way she was
'Cause it's the things she does—

"That make me sing about her,
She knows I care about her,
She said, 'Be gentle, boy,
'You show a lack of character'…"

Friday, February 14, 2025

The Rebel Black Dot Song against Valentine's Day

No Doubt, "Don't Speak" from Tragic Kingdom (Mike Papa Whiskey)

Commentary: We here at The Secret Base feign to by cynical about romanic love (eros), but only because deep down we're hopeless romantics. We rail against the commercialized contemporary American celebration of Valentine's Day because it is denegrates rather than exalts eros. We disdain "Valentine's Day" as part & pacel of the broader anti-human project. Saint Valentine, pray for us!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Rebel Black Dot Anti-Valentine's Song o' the Day

Big D and the Kids Table, "My Girlfriend's on Drugs" from How It Goes (Rude Boy Mike Papa Whiskey)

Commentary: Love is a many-splendored thing, fraught with physical, emotional, & financial peril.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Rebel Black Dot Anti-Valentine's Song o' the Day

Masked Intruder, "Why Don't You Love Me in Real Life" from Masked Intruder (Mike Papa Whiskey)

Commentary: Masked Intruder's songs are written from the point of view of a masked intruder. It's an unsettling, potentially upsetting gimmick, much less winsome than, say, The Aquabats!' superhero shtick.
"Every night in my sweetest dreams
I get to hold you in my arms.
I tried to get some in real life, honey,
But just set off your burglar alarm.
Why are you calling the cops, baby?
I don't mean you any harm.
Why don't you love me in real life?

"(Why don't you) Why don't you love me?
(Why don't you) Why don't you love me in real life?
(Why don't you) Why don't you love me?
(Why don't you) Why don't you love me in real life?
Is it because of my mask?
Or just because I'm brandishing a knife?
Why don't you love me in real life?…"

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Rebel Black Dot Anti-Valentine's Song o' the Day

Palooka-ville, "She's Wearing Leather" from the Falling Off the Doghouse E.P. (Mike Papa Whiskey)

Commentary: Palooka-ville was a Grand Blanc band contemporaneous with the first two Blue Tree Whacking (B.T.W.) bands, Comeuppance (of which I was not a member) & Murky Transport Disaster. Friends & allies of B.T.W., the Palooka-ville kids appeared in several B.T.W. films.
"She said she'd love me forever
When we were laying down in her down covers,
And she said that she'd always say, 'Never,'
To the possibility of another lover.

"I'll always remember how she looked at me
When she was walking down in that white silk dress,
I don't remember how she looked when she dumped me
In black, won't look back anymore, to see how I'm a mess!

"(And I'm insane) 'cause we're not together,
(And I'm insane) since she left,
(And I'm insane) 'cause now she's wearing leather,
(And I'm insane,) but I ain't done yet…"

The Explorers' Club Special: February 1915

Operation AXIOM: The World War
February 2015 found us at twelve consecutive episodes of "The Explorers' Club" with the Great War as the exclusive subject, dating back to November 2014. Episodes focused on the Middle East, the Eastern Front, the Western Front, & the beginning of unrestricted submarine warfare.

The Wayback Machine Tour of the World War: February 1915
"The Explorers' Club," № CDXXIX: The Battle of the Suez Canal (26 January-4 February 1915)
"The Explorers' Club," № CDXXX: War zone declared throughout British waters (4 February 1915)
"The Explorers' Club," № CDXXXI: The Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes (7-22 February 1915)
"The Explorers' Club," № CDXXXII: "Kitchner's Army"

Lest we forget.

Monday, February 10, 2025

The Rebel Black Dot Anti-Valentine's Song o' the Day

Paramore, "Misery Business" from Riot! (Mike Papa Whiskey)

Commentary: All's fair in love & war.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

The Explorers' Club, № MLXXIII

Operation AXIOM: Destination Moon—The 60th Anniversary of Ranger 8
17-20 February 1965: Ranger 8 lifted off from Florida's Cape Canaveral Air Force Station atop an Atlas-Agena rocket, tasked to photograph & then impact the Lunar surface; the midcourse correction burn was successful; all six television cameras functioned perfectly & returned 7,137 photographs of the Moon for twenty-three minutes until Ranger 8 crashed into the Mare Tranquillitatis.
Commentary: Ranger 8 was the second consecutive success of the Ranger program. Ranger 8's impact crater was photographed by Lunar Orbiter 4 in 1967.

Ex Luna, scientia.

The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the V Sunday in O.T.

The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Insyderz, "Call to Arms" from Soundtrack to a Revolution (Saint Mike Papa Whiskey)

Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Rebel Black Dot Anti-Valentine's Song o' the Day

The Eyeliners, "Johnny Lockheart" from Here Comes Trouble (Mike Papa Whiskey)

Commentary: It is a mystery of the human heart that we want things that are bad for us.
"Johnny Lockheart!
You're no good for me,
Johnny Lockheart!
But it's plain to see,
Johnny Lockheart!
That you're meant to be with me…"

Friday, February 7, 2025

The Rebel Black Dot Anti-Valentine's Song o' the Day

The Veronicas, "Secret" from The Secret Life of the Veronicas (Mike Papa Whiskey)

Commentary: Welcome to the bitterest week of the R.B.D.S.O.T.D.'s whole year, where love is a lie & heartbreak is certain.
"You're a little obsessed with me,
I'm a little bit scared of you,
The way you look and stare at me,
Maybe it's time I let you know:

"You can call me six times, but still I won't pick up the phone!
You can spend all your money on me, but still I'll say, 'No!'
You can write a million letters every day confessing to me
That I am the girl of your dreams, but nobody ever asked me,
I never looked at you that way,
'Cause I always thought you were gay…"

Sunday, February 2, 2025

The Explorers' Club, № MLXXII

Operation AXIOM: Between the Wars—The Nome Serum Run
27 January-1 February 1925: Twenty mushers & their sled dogs relayed diptheria antitoxin (serum) 674 miles through blizzards from Nenana, Alaska to Nome, which was suffering a diptheria epidemic & could not be reached by ship, rail, or aeroplane; most famous were musher Gunnar Kaasen & his lead dog, Balto (the final leg into Nome), & Leonhard Seppala & his lead dog, Togo (the longest leg).
Commentary: Without enough antitoxin, the diptheria epidemic was expected to claim about 10,000 souls, especially amongst the Alaska Native villages around Nome; thanks to the Serum Run, the death toll was seven.
Lest we forget.

The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Presentation

The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (A.K.A. Candlemas)
Sifjan Stevens, "In This Temple, As In the Hearts of Man for Whom He Saved the Earth" from Sufjan Stevens Invites You to: Come On, Feel the Illinoise (A.K.A. Illinois) (Saint Mike Papa Whiskey)

Commentary: There is a certain sense in which the Christmastide lasts until Candlemas—the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord/the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary—the logic being that the Christmastide (forty days from the Nativity to the Presentation) ought to be longer than Advent (which varies from twenty-two to twenty-eight days) in the same way that the Eastertide (fifty days from the Resurrection to Pentecost) is longer than Lent ("forty" days). Of course, the Baptism of the Lord (the Sunday after Epiphany),is also described as the First Sunday of Ordinary Time. Whether you think Christmas ends on the Epiphany, the Baptism, or Candlemas, today is definitely the last day of Christmas until 25 December '25.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Stars My Destination: The Columbia Disaster

Operation AXIOM: The Space Age—The 22nd Anniversary of S.T.S.-107
Twenty-two years ago to the day, 1 February 2003, the Space Shuttle Columbia OV-102, the first Orbiter to orbit (S.T.S.-1, 1981), disintegrated during atmospheric re-entry, killing all seven of her crew: Commander Rick Husband, Pilot William McCool, Mission Specialist 1 David Brown, Mission Specialist 2 Kalpana Chawla, Mission Specialist 3 Michael Anderson, Mission Specialist 4 Laurel Clark, & Payload Specialist 1 Ilan Ramon. Husband (STS-96), Chalwa (STS-87), & Anderson (STS-89) were spaceflight veterans; McCool, Brown, Clark, & Ramon were rookies. Ramon was the first Israeli in space.
The Columbia suffered the ultimately fatal damage to her heat shielding during launch, a fortnight earlier on 16 January 2003: a piece of thermal insulating foam was shaken off the massive burnt orange External Fuel Tank by the titanic forces involved in boosting a Space Shuttle into low earth orbit & struck the Columbia's left wing, compromising the composite-material heat shield. When the Columbia re-entered the atmosphere on 1 February, hot gases penetrated the wing, leading to the disintegration of the Shuttle & the deaths of all seven on board. The Space Shuttle Atlantis OV-104 had suffered similar heat shield damage during the launch of S.T.S.-27 (1988), but by the grace of God had returned to earth safely, becoming the most-damaged Space Shuttle ever to make a successful landing.
The falling foam phenomenon was common enough to be known as "foam shedding" & had been observed on S.T.S.-7 (1983), S.T.S.-32 (1990), S.T.S.-50 (1992), S.T.S.-52 (1992), S.T.S.-62 (1994), & S.T.S.-112 (2002), but foam shedding was not perceived as posing a danger. Subsequent to the disaster, Space Shuttle missions launched without the foam, suffering no ill effects from its absence. The hideous irony is that the thermal insulation was on the External Fuel Tank to prevent the build up of ice that could be shaken loose during launch, striking & damaging the Shuttle.
The Space Shuttle Columbia suffered a catastrophic loss of structural integrity during re-entry, leading to the deaths of all seven aboard, 1 February 2003, twenty-two years ago today.

Bonus! Space Age Song o' the Day: The Columbia Disaster
The Phenomenauts, "Heroes" from For All Mankind (Space Cadet Mike Papa Whiskey)

The Wayback Machine Tour of the Columbia Disaster
Wayback Machine '24
Wayback Machine '23 | Wayback Machine '22
Wayback Machine '21 | Wayback Machine '20
Wayback Machine '19 | Wayback Machine '18
Wayback Machine '17 | Wayback Machine '16