Saturday, April 16, 2005

Last night, the Mountain of Love was home and Guy Zach Nie! joined us for a new episode of Star Trek: Enterprise, "Bound." Afterwards, we welcomed K. Steeze and his love, the Belle of Texas. With that many Blue Tree Whackers gathered in one place, Risk ensued. Steeze and the Belle had to bug out a little after midnight (they are in town for today's wedding of Steeze's big brother, the Muppet), but the three of us played on. The Guy employed the Australian Gambit, the Mountain used Out of Africa. For the longest time I was without a geographical base, but on the last turn before Steeze and the Belle's departure, I took South America away from him, and thus I was playing Pinochle With Pinochet. In the end, victory was mine and the world trembled before the might of the Black Raj.

Man, I love Risk.

Thank You, Sir
Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Clone Wars
Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Episode IV - A New Hope
Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

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