Godspeed, Endeavour: Countdownlink.
Special Request
I entreat you each and all to head out to your local cinema forthwith and see Quantum of Solace, the latest motion picture adventure of James Bond, 007. Sadly, despite being a more ardent Bond fan than any of my kith and kin, I shan't be seeing the twenty-second official Bond film for at least a fortnight. Some relatives of mine who dwell in Ohio are coming to Grand Blanc for Thanksgiving and they requested that we all see Quantum of Solace together over the holiday weekend. My mother agreed on our behalf and only informed my father and me after the fact; certainly, I could have fought against this fait accompli, but I did not adjudge the victory worth the cost. And I am bound by honor not to see the film on the sly. So, here I sit and stew, deprived of the most anticipated film of the Fall for the sake of people I despise. Ah, well, more fuel for the engine of my revenge, an appropriate segue back to Quantum of Solace.

"If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,"
--Kipling, "If-"
It's a work in progress.
The Rebel Black Dot Song of the day
Tally Hall, "Be Born" from Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum (T.L.A.M.)
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