Thursday, November 24, 2011

Operation AXIOM
Happy Thanksgiving, beloved readers! I hope that this Thanksgiving finds you in the warm embrace of kith and/or kin, hail & hearty, safe & sound, with naught to do all day but bask in the traditions old & new: the Macy's Day parade, the Detroit Lions' professional football game, slaving away for umpteen hours to prepare a meal that your kith & kin will devour with all the delicacy of laughing hyenas on a putrid wildebeest carcass. We are all so profoundly blessed, yet so many of us, your humble narrator foremost, are so often so willfully blind to just how fortunate we are. How right & proper that as a culture we should set aside one day of the year simply to give thanks for all that we have. Give thanks to the Creator. Give thanks to one another. Give thanks to our forefathers, who tamed this wild continent & secured for us the blessings of liberty. Give thanks to the turkeys who gave their lives for our nourishment & enjoyment. Give thanks to the invisible hand. Happy Thanksgiving!

The Rebel Black Dot Song of Thanksgiving Day
Mike Park, "Thankful All the Same" from For the Love of Music (T.L.A.M.)

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