№ CCCXVIII - The Dornier Do 31.

Perchance to Dream
I had an oddly memorable dream this morn, or at least odd in the thoroughness of the memory. I was in Ann Arbor, but a bizarre caricature of Ann Arbor. The buildings were packed tightly together, & uniformly taller that the actual edifices of my beloved "Moscow on the Huron." The architecture looked like something out of Tim Burton's Batman, though with the earthly color palette from Batman Begins. I was moving on foot, but with the speed & fluidity as if I was on rails. It was urgent that I get "home," but always there were tall building in my way. I'd easily scale the rear or alley side of a skyscraper, but once on the invariably flat roof I'd look down into the canyons of the street below & know that I'd have to retreat. I'd then go back down the way I'd come up. Why couldn't I use the same impossible ability to scamper up vertical surfaces to go down into the streets, from whence I'd be able to more readily make my way home? Dream logic is illogical, I've no other explanation.
I arrived home, inexplicably since I'd made no discernible progress before suddenly accomplishing my goal. Waiting for me at home was the actress Anne Hathaway, clothed only in her unmentionables. I took her in my arms & kissed her roughly. She warmly welcomed these attentions. Between kisses, as I was working a hand inside her bra, I said something about how holding her in my arms felt like Thanksgiving. (Yeah, I know, I don't know.) She retorted archly that we'd already celebrated Thanksgiving. As I laid her down on something—a couch or a bed I could not discern—I quipped that if only I could unwrap my present this would feel like Christmas. My dream self was so conceited, so very like my waking self, that even whilst laying hands on the splendor of Anne Hathaway he took a moment to compliment himself on how clever the unwrapping quip had been. At this point I awoke. I can see the dream almost as clearly now as I could in the midst of the dreaming. Why so distinctly recall this dream? Either the aforementioned splendor of Anne Hathaway, or a reason as illogical as dream logic.
The Rebel Black Dot Hanukkah Song of the Day
Barenaked Ladies, "Hanukkah Blessings" from Barenaked for the Holidays (T.L.A.M.)
"We remember how Maccabees
Fought so all of us could be free,
And so we celebrate."
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