Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day: SKApril!

Tip the Van, "Place Like Home" from the Passion, Love, & Pride E.P. (T.L.A.M.)

Skammentary: Tip the Van boasts dual distaff vocals, in the vein of the Dance Hall Crashers. I was introduced to them by Ska Army, who discovered them in concert in D.C. Please note, dear readers, rude boys, & rude girls, that your humble narrator is always on the hunt for new (to him) ska music & bands; your leads & recommendations are most sincerely appreciated.

The place like home of "Place Like Home" is the stage. Tip the Van are a little obsessed with fame, which is a little sad if these lyrics aren't ironic.

"I want you to know my name and shout it out loud,
I don't want to be another face in the crowd,
And sing these words as I sing them to you,
And you sing my song, the words, dance to my beat,
And remember every line as you move your feet,
Thanks for coming out, we'll see you again…"

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