Thursday, December 17, 2015

Project BLACK MAMBA: Advent

'Tis the feast of Saint Lazarus of Bethany (first century), friend of the Lord Jesus, brother of Saints Mary & Martha of Bethany (29 July): Saint-link ūnus, Saint-link duo, & Wikipedia-link.

Commentary: Wayback Machine. The resurrection of Lazarus is recounted in the Gospel according to John, chapter eleven, verses one thru forty-four (John, 11:1-44). In chapter twelve, our Lord & Lazarus share a meal; being dead for four days must make a man mighty hungry.

'Tis also the feast of Saint John of Matha, Priest, O.SS.T. (circa 1160-1213), founder of the Trinitarians, formally the Order of the Most Holy Trinity for the Redemption of the Captives: Saint-link & Wikipedia-link; Wikipedia-link O.SS.T..

Scripture of the Day
Personal Reading
The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter twenty (verses one thru thirty-four).

Mass Readings
The Book of Genesis, chapter forty-nine, verses two & eight thru ten;
Psalm Seventy-two, verses one thru four(a,b), seven, eight, & seventeen;
The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter one, verses one thru seventeen.

Commentary: My personal Scripture reading will be interrupted by the delightful company of far-flung kith & kin during the Christmastide. With a slightly accelerated schedule, I can finish Matthew by Christmas Eve. After the holidays, instead of reading the Gospel according to Luke & the Acts of the Apostles, I will begin reading the Book of Genesis. I am undecided if I will make it through all fifty chapters without any interlude to the New Testament. Recent discussions have reinforced for me the necessity of becoming better-versed with the Old Testament, & I have become (& continue to become) with the Gospels & the epistles. What better place to start than at the beginning?

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