Commentary: Wayback Machine. Quoth the Holy Redeemer bulletin:
Bruno of Cologne was the founder of the Carthusian Order; he personally founded the order's first two communities. He was a celebrated teacher at Reims & a close advisor to his former pupil, Pope [Bl.] Urban II [29 July].'Twas also the Optional Memorial of Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher, Virgin, S.N.J.M. (1811-1849), foundress of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus & Mary: Saint-link ūnus, Saint-link duae, & Wikipedia-link; Wikipedia-link S.N.J.M.
Commentary: Quoth the Holy Redeemer bulletin:
The Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher, S.N.J.M., was a Canadian Roman Catholic religious sister, who founded the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus & Mary.'Twas also the festival of Saint Fides, Virgin & Martyr (died circa 287, of Agen, of Conques; Anglicized as Faith), martyred in the reign of the emperors Diocletian & Maximian: Martyr-link & Wikipedia-link.
'Twas also the festival of Saint Epiphania, Religious (died circa 800, of Pavia): Saint-link & Wikipedia-link.
Scripture of That Day
Mass Readings—Feria
The Book of Baruch, chapter one, verses fifteen thru twenty-two;
Psalm Seventy-nine, verses one(b) & two; three, four, & five; eight; & nine;
The Gospel according to Luke, chapter ten, verses thirteen thru sixteen.
Commentary: Reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire):
Friends, in today's Gospel Jesus passes judgment on towns who have failed to believe in him and his signs: "Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty deeds done in your midst had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would long ago have repented, sitting in sackcloth and ashes." And this Gospel contains a word for us.Video reflection by Deacon Clinton Couch: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
What is the first thing that the minister should do upon entering a city? "Cure the sick there." Christ is Soter, healer of both body and spirit. So many of the saints were healers; so many of the apparitions of the Blessed Mother lead to healing.
Another great task of the church is to proclaim, "The reign of God is at hand". The Church is an announcing, proclaiming, evangelizing organism. What we proclaim is that, in Jesus Christ, a whole new way of ordering things has appeared, that God, in Christ, is drawing all things to himself. The great ordering principles of the world—money, fame, power, sex, pleasure—are overthrown. A new king has come, a new way of organizing life. Love, inclusion, compassion, nonviolence, forgiveness, especially of enemies—this is now the way sanctioned by God.
Mass Readings—Optional Memorial of St. Bruno
The Letter to the Philippians, chapter three, verses eight thru fourteen;
Psalm Forty, verse five(a);
The Gospel according to Luke, chapter nine, verses fifty-seven thru sixty-two.
Mass Readings—Optional Memorial of Bl. Marie-Rose Durocher
The First Book of Kings, chapter nineteen, verses four thru nine(a) & eleven thru fifteen(a);
Confer Psalm Sixteen, verse five(a);
The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter nineteen, verses twenty-seven, twenty-eight, & twenty-nine.
Bible Study—The Bible Timeline, Session 17: Maccabean Revolt
The First Book of Maccabees, chapter five, verses nine thru sixty-eight;
The First Book of Maccabees, chapter six (verses one thru sixty-three);
The Second Book of Maccabees, chapter six, verses eighteen thru thirty-one;
The Second Book of Maccabees, chapter seven (verses one thru forty-two);
The Second Book of Maccabees, chapter twelve, verses thirty-eight thru forty-six;
The Book of Sirach, chapter two (verses one thru eighteen).
Commentary: Liberation of Galilean Jews (1 Maccabees, 5:9-23), Rescue in Gilead (5:24-54), Joseph & Azariah Defeated (5:55-68), Defeat & Death of Antiochus IV (6:1-18), the Citadel Besieged (6:17-27), Campaign against Judas (6:28-54), & Peace Treaty (6:55-63); Martyrdom of Eleazar (2 Maccabees, 6:18-31), Martyrdom of a Mother & Her Sons (7:1-42), & Expiation for the Dead (12:38-46); & Duties toward God (Sirach, 2:1-18).
Bible Study—Proverbs in a Month
The Book of Proverbs, chapter six (verses one thru thirty-five).
Commentary: Miscellaneous Proverbs (6:1-19) & Warning against Adultery (6:20-35).
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