Friday, June 25, 2021

Operation ÖSTERREICH: Ow, Ow, Ow

I exercised last night with my Exodus 90 fraternity brother Sierra Romeo. We ripped off a thirty minute workout from the Body Beast series. I was very stiff & sore this morning, but remain undaunted. Given our various schedules, I don't know if Sierra Romeo & I will be able to work out more than once a week, but in the meantime I need to resume walking, eventually working my way back up to jogging. I am not a soul trapped in a body, I am an embodied soul. After the Resurrection of the Dead, I will have this body—glorified, but still this body—for the rest of eternity. This body is a temple of the Holy Ghost, & I have been badly neglecting this temple. That needs to change.

The inspiration words emblazoned on the wall of Sierra Romeo's basement gym:
Whatever doesn't challenge you doesn't change you.
Bonus! Lied von ÖSTERREICH
Avril Lavigne, "Everybody Hurts" from Godbye Lullaby (Mike Papa Walrus)

Commentary: "Everybody Hurts" is about emotional hurt, not physical hurt, but whatever. I'm old & creaky, I don't care.

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