I agree with Jasper, "What a time to be alive!"
Programming note: as soon as I make the time, I shall regale you with the tale of my parents' new plasma television and my time as "The Vitruvian Man." Oddly enough, those two seemingly disparate items are joined at the hip. Stay tuned.
The best vanity plate I saw today: BRAND X.
Project TROIKAThis evening, K. Steeze and I had a long discussion via instant messaging. This project continues to be fascinating on two distinct levels. The first is Project TROIKA itself. We are coming up with a heck of a yarn, and settling into a nice pattern where I propose a series of ideas, Steeze critiques them, and then he comes back with a whole new set of ideas derived from mine; we are having a sort of arms race of ideas, with each forcing the other to defend his positions, thus resulting in an ever better, more logical, more entertaining story. It's a pleasure and a treat, even though I must constantly remind myself when he is approaching a plot point from another angle that
No, in fact, he doesn't know what I'm thinking, not unless I tell him.The second is the paramount nature of Project TROIKA. Anyone paying even the slightest attention will have divined that I had a rambling, flighty magpie of a mind, always jumping from one notion to the next, forever flitting from place to place to place. Already, I have had an idea for a sequel to Project TROIKA, even before we devise the ending. I have also been tempted to revamp a long dormant idea,
A World On Fire, my stab at creating an anime. Yet the screws have been able to wrangle both ideas back into their cells, leaving Project TROIKA alone the apple of my imagination's eye. I've not forsworn my other darlings, I can occasionally flirt with
A World On Fire or
Polis or
Antæus, but my eyes remain firmly affixed on the prize: Project TROIKA.
Of course, before I dislocate my shoulder patting myself on the back, I must remember that I've not done this on my own. How was I able to focus back in my school days? The threat of teachers and later professors. Left to my own devices, we go back to being a gypsy inside my own head. It is my responsibilities to K. Steeze and The Professor that are keeping me from my usual tangents. Still, they are, and I think we've really got something cooking here.
The Rebel Black Dot Song of the DaySpike Jones & His City Slickers, "All I Want for Christmas (Is My Two Front Teeth)" from
The Spike Jones Anthology (T.L.A.M.)
Montag, 10 DezemberJackson 5, "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" via iTunes (T.L.A.M.)