Day 31: Finally! Day 28 in pictures; man alive, that was like pulling teeth. The thing I hate about this photographic documentation is that to my eyes, in the mirror, the beard looks fuller and thicker than the photos reveal it to be, and I'd really rather not have that particular bit of self-deception shattered so completely. Nevertheless, the regular photo documentation must and shall continue. The Bonanza is about nothing else if not truth.

Honest to Bog, I thought I'd have quite a prominent bald spot by age thirty. Three cheers for being wrong. Hip hip! Hooray! Hip hip! Hooray! Hip hip! Hooray!

The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day
They Might Be Giants, "Why Did You Grow a Beard?" from Cast Your Pod to the Wind (T.L.A.M.)
Commentary: Brother, did I get an earful of this sentiment yesterday during a webcam chat with Teddy's parents. Specifically from his father. So, now the Bonanza is being conducted at least in part, at Teddy's father's insistence, for spite. Spite!
"Why did you grow a beard?
Why did you grow a beard?
Is there no where in the world for a nogoodnik?
Is there no where in the freedom-loving,
Sister-hugging, screaming, yelling…"
Genial dispatch and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you seeking your information.
Okay, so far I'm not noticing any ill effects of these random, anonymous comments, but the abysmal diction and grammar lead me to suspect something nefarious may be afoot. I would lament having to password-protect my comments, because I love comments from new readers who've inadvertently stumbled upon the brilliance of The Secret Base. Let's hope wait-and-see proves efficacious.
You don't have to password protect them, but you could make people log into blogger, or use the confirmation word, or something.
Or make them moderated.
By Jove, you're right! Thank ye, Yankee!
Opulently I agree but I about the brief should have more info then it has.
That most recent assault on the English language has decided the matter. Something must be done! Something shall be done! You can take that to the bank.
Something has been done.
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