Potshot, "End of the Long Summer" from Potshot A Go Go (T.L.A.M.)
Commentary: Of course, 2010's wasn't a long summer, 'twas an almost distressingly brief summer that raced by with staggering swiftness. But there's no profit in standing still, distressed and staggered, because time & tide wait for no man. "End of the Long Summer" is a remarkably sedate song from the usually frenetic Potshot, a fitting tune by which to reflect—briefly, mind you—on the tide just past before setting to work preparing for the times ahead.
And now, because it's Labor Day, meaning there's no labor to be done this day, I'm off to enjoy the last of the summer beer with my lunch.

An icy tomb on the Red Planet for N.A.S.A.'s Phoenix lander: Martianlink. The phoenix of myth was reborn from the ashes of its own demise, a resurrection bird. But note that the phoenix was destroyed by fire & arose from the ashes of that fire; the myths say nothing about being able to resurrect itself from the ice, particularly the carbon dioxide ice of the Martian "Arctic." Therefore, I'm afraid this must be a farewell to the Phoenix, our faithful robot minion. Well done, Phoenix, you exceeded our expectations and gave the last full measure of devotion; your human masters are proud of you. Rest now, little robot friend, rest in the peace of a job well done, of an existential purpose fulfilled.
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