It's been too long since the last occasion of our occasional series, "Zooey Deschanel Appreciation Day," a day of appreciation of the enthralling work of the actress & musician Zooey Deschanel. Time was that such was my mania that I'd see any picture featuring Miss Deschanel, even in a relatively bit part. I hope that age has brought a modicum of wisdom, for now I am more discerning. For example: I'm dead-set against seeing the forthcoming motion picture Your Highness, due to my disdain for the unfunny comedic actor Danny McBride. Do I dislike McBride more than I like Deschanel? Not necessarily, but it is a question of proportions: the film promises massive screen time for McBride & probably quite limited time for Deschanel. That's a shame, because I haven't seen a new film starring Zooey Deschanel since '09's excellent (500) Days of Summer. At least She & Him has released a second album, Volume Two, in the intervening time.

The Queue
Reading the Large Print edition of Spy Line was a bizarre, disorienting experience. The pages flew by with such celerity that even using the thickness of the book as a guide I had no sense of where I was in the story. Stopping in the middle of reading Spy Line to read a text message on my mobile, the text of the text looked like the fine print at the bottom of an advertisement. I shall continue to thank the Lord Almighty for my fairly good vision & leave the Large Print books to those who truly need them. After , without really intending to, I took my first foray into comics in an age, reading a volume of Showcase Presents, D.C.'s cheap paperback reprints of Silver Age comics, in this case the second collection of the adventures of one of my favorite, J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter.
Len Deighton, Spy Hook
Len Deighton, Spy Line
various writers & artists, Showcase Presents: Martian Manhunter, Volume Two
Len Deighton, Spy Sinker
Karen E. Olson, Driven to Ink
Len Deighton, Faith
Len Deighton, Hope
He's Dead, Jim & Coming Attractions
I'm a wee bit lightheaded from a powerfully stuffed/runny nose that sprang up overnight. The pressure in my sinus cavities has resulted in a strength-sapping headache; so, for tonight I'm pulling the plug on "Project MERCATOR" & "Perchance to Dream." I have been having some weird dreams the last few mornings. I hope to be on the mend soon so as to be able to bring you those posts.
The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day
She & Him, "Sentimental Heart" from Volume One (T.L.A.M.)
"Cried all night 'til there was nothin' more,
What use am I as a heap on the floor?
Heaving devotion, but it's just no good,
Takin' it hard just like you knew I would."
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