Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It seems that some of our robot test subjects are devising their own tongue, human languages being too complex & too nuanced: res ipsa loquitur. The Frankenstein crowd, tremulous bores as they are—& boors to boot—, will surely see every reason for panic in this development, but that's a foolish response. Robots are not of Mankind, why should they think like Mankind? Language is the vessel of thought; as robots think differently they should speak differently. Science fiction teaches us that the conflict often comes from inducing psychosis by trying to make robots think, act, & speak like men. Let our faithful mechanical minions create their own language & they will serve us all the better, all the more efficiently. Carry on, wee robots, your masters are proud of you.


Master Debating
The summer is the time to recruit & train up new debaters, before the autumnal speechifying season begins in earnest. I'd love to sit on my duff & let the whole enterprise whither on the vine 'til after Labor Day, but Too Sly is of an entirely more industrious bent. For the second week in a row, we had a new fish in attendance, "fish" being our in-house parlance for possible teammates (derived from "having a fish on the line"). At the peril of getting way ahead of myself, we might just leave a team intact behind us after all.

I owe you accounts of three debate tournaments. These are terribly behind schedule.

The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day
The Wombats, "Girls/Fast Cars" from The Wombats Proudly Present: This Modern Glitch (T.L.A.M.)

Commentary: I'm slowing warming up to The Wombats' sophomore album, This Modern Glitch. It isn't the equal of their debut, A Guide to Love, Loss, & Desperation, but it is growing in my esteem.

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