Operation AXIOM
Seventy years ago to the day, 7 December 1941, "the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan." The Day of Infamy must never be forgotten, lest we dishonor the memory of those Americans who perished in the sneak attack. Also, lest we forget the naivete that so long dominated America's view of the world beyond our shores, a naivete that fueled our historical isolationism, a naivete that was already a luxury we could not afford on 6 December 1941, but which a variety of accidents of history had left intact. In the present climate of an hysterical isolationist revival, on both the Right & the Left, we dare not forget the harsh lesson of the Day of Infamy. We dare not withdraw back into ourselves, succor ourselves with the lie that the rest of the world is no concern of ours. To do so would be to wreak our own destruction in the 21st century, & to make in vain the sacrifices of those who gave the last full measure of devotion in the 20th century. Lest we forget the Day of Infamy.

Wow, the Time cover is already twenty years old. Tempus fugate.
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