Friday, September 19, 2014

The Rebel Black Dot Song of Union
The Proclaimer, "Cap in Hand" from Sunshine on Leith (T.L.A.M.)

Commentary: The Proclaimers are longstanding supporters of "Scottish independence," a poorly-argued fairy tale in which Scotland could gain independence from the United Kingdom, gain tremendous benefits & suffer no negative consequences in the least. I might not be opposed to Scottish independence if only anyone would argue for it as an adult, instead of spinning childish tales of butterflies & rainbows. "Cap in Hand" is a complaint against Scotland's supposed oppression by England, as if Scotland was not a constituent part of the United Kingdom but instead of colonial subject of same.

"But I can't understand
Why we let someone else rule our land
Cap in hand…"

Yes, this is me laughing at The Proclaimers due to the Scottish electorate's own rejection of the S.N.P.'s independence referendum; the Scots are part of the U.K., as they have been since the Acts of Union in 1707, by choice & not by coercion.

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