Monday, August 22, 2016

Project BLACK MAMBA: "We're in 'Now' Now"

"The future starts today, not tomorrow." — Pope Saint John Paul II

'Tis the Memorial of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Our Lady-link ūna, Our Lady-link duae, & Wikipedia-link.

Commentary: Wayback Machine '14 & Wayback Machine '15. Quoth the Holy Redeemer bulletin:
Mary's queenship has roots in Scripture. At the Annunciation, Gabriel announced that Mary's Son would receive the throne of David & rule forever. At the Visitation, (St.) Elizabeth (5 November) calls Mary "mother of my Lord." As in all the mysteries of Mary's life, Mary is closely associated with Jesus: Her queenship is a share in Jesus's kingship.
'Tis also the feast of Saint John Kemble, Priest & Martyr (1599-1679), martyred in the reign of the king Charles II, a victim of the Titus Oates's "Popish Plot" perjury, one of the Forty Martyrs of England & Wales: Martyr-link & Wikipedia-link; Wikipedia-link Plot & Wikipedia-link XL.

Scripture of the Day
Mass Readings
The Second Letter to the Thessalonians, chapter one, verses one thru five, eleven, & twelve;
Psalm Ninety-six, verses one thru five;
The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter twenty-three, verses thirteen thru twenty-two;

or, for the Queen of Heaven:
The Book of Isaiah, chapter nine, verses one thru six;
Psalm One Hundred Thirteen, verse two;
The Gospel according to Luke, chapter one, verses twenty-six thru thirty-eight.

Personal Reading
The Book of Revelation, chapter eighteen (verses one thru twenty-four).

Commentary: The Fall of Babylon (18, inclusive).

Urbi et Orbi
Though originally posted nearly four years ago, the hyperlinked piece from Eye of the Tiber—"Breaking Catholic news so you don't have to"—remains relevant, as last week I was witness to an apoplectic, incoherent denunciation of the most-recent translation of the Roman Missal, specifically the replacement in the Nicene Creed of the words "one in being with the Father" with the words "consubstantial with the Father": E.O.T.T.-link. I spend plenty of time around Crazy Church Ladies, but this was the just about the craziest I'd ever seen a Crazy Church Lady. For your physical safety & mental health, don't even get her started on the change of the prosaic word "cup" to the more majestic "chalice" during the consecration.

Yep, we're just one big, happy, holy, catholic, & apostolic Church.

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