Thursday, March 22, 2018


Weekly Wednesday Thursday Weigh-in
Last weigh-in: 332.6 lbs
This weigh-in: 331.2 lbs.
Difference: -1.4 lbs.

Mere weeks ago, I was chasing the goalpost weight of three hundred forty pounds (340 lbs.); suddenly, I'm chasing the further goalpost of three hundred thirty (330 lbs.). This is progress to be celebrated, to be sure, but I am also wary of buying into worldly restlessness more & more deeply. Others seeking to lose weight often remarked that I was comfortable with my bulk, not ashamed; I described this as being "fat & happy." Or, as the Barenkaed Ladies sang in "Life, in a Nuthsell:"
"She's like a baby, I'm like a cat,
When we're happy we both get fat…"
Then again, if restlessly chasing the next goalpost helps me to attain a healthier, more sustainable weight, one more pleasing to the bishop & my future seminary formators, all to the good; I will gladly chance the hazard. Onward!

Bonus! Lied von ÖSTERREICH
"Weird Al" Yankovic, "Grapefruit Diet" from Running with Scissors (The Last Angry Chub)

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