Commentary: Wayback Machine. Quoth the Holy Redeemer bulletin:
He was an Italian Dominican friar, Catholic priest, & Doctor of the Church. He was an immensely influential philosopher, theologian, & jurist in the tradition of scholasticism, with which is is also known as the Doctor Angelicus ["Angelic Doctor"] & the Doctor Communis ["Common Doctor"—read: "Universal"].Quoth Minute Meditations from the Popes:
God of wisdom, instruct me in Your ways. Help me dedicate myself to learning more about the Faith, so that like St. Thomas Aquinas my mind & heart may be united in Your love.Wikipedia-link Scholasticism
'Tis also the festival of Blessed Charlemagne (742-814), King of the Franks, founder of the Carolingian Empire, formally the Empire of the Romans & Franks, as the inaugural Holy Roman Emperor; his reign spurred the Carolingian Renaissance: Blessed-link & Wikipedia-link; Wikipedia-link Empire, Wikipedia-link Emperor, & Wikipedia-link Renaissance.
'Tis also the festival of Saint Julian of Cuenca, Bishop (circa 1127-1208): Saint-link & Wikipedia-link.
'Tis also the festival of Saint Joseph Freinademetz, Priest, S.V.D. (1852-1908): Saint-link & Wikipedia-link.
'Tis also the festival of Blessed Olympia Bida, Religious & Martyr (1903-1952, A.K.A. Olga Bida, Ohla Bida), martyred in the reign of the Communist dictator Joseph Stalin, one of the Martyrs Killed under Communist Regimes in Eastern Europe: Martyr-link & Wikipedia-link (List); Martyrs-link Eastern Europe.
Scripture of the Day
Mass Readings—Monday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time
The Letter to the Hebrews, chapter nine, verses fifteen & twenty-four thru twenty-eight;
Psalm Ninety-eight, verses one, two & three(a/b), three(c/d) & four, & five & six;
The Gospel according to Mark, chapter three, verses twenty-two thru thirty.
Commentary: Reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire):
Friends, in today’s Gospel Jesus is accused of being in league with Satan. Some of the witnesses said, "By the power of Beelzebul, the prince of demons, he drives out demons."Video reflection by Monsignor James Vlaun: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Jesus’ response is wonderful in its logic and laconicism: "If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand."
The demonic power is always one of scattering. It breaks up communion. But Jesus, as always, is the voice of communio, of one bringing things back together.
Think back to Jesus’ feeding of the five thousand. Facing a large, hungry crowd, his disciples beg him to "dismiss the crowds so that they can go to the villages and buy food for themselves." But Jesus answers, "There is no need for them to go away; give them some food yourselves."
Whatever drives the Church apart is an echo of this "dismiss the crowds" impulse, and a reminder of the demonic tendency to divide. In times of trial and threat, this is a very common instinct. We blame, attack, break up, and disperse. But Jesus is right: "There is no need for them to go away."
Mass Readings—Memorial of St. Thomas Aquinas
The Book of Wisdom, chapter seven, verses seven thru ten, fifteen, & sixteen;
Psalm One Hundred Nineteen, verse twelve;
The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter twenty-three, verses eight thru twelve.
Scripture Study—Exodus 90: Day X
The Book of Exodus, chapter four, verses one thru nine.
Commentary: God Gives Moses Help for His Mission (Exodus, 4:1-9).
The Imitation of Christ
Book I: Useful Admonitions for the Spiritual Life
Chapter 11: "On How to Acquire Peace & on the Desire to Improve"
Chapter 12: "On the Advantage of Not Having Everything Our Own Way"
Papal Quote o' the Day
"The way to the heart very often passes through the mind. Today, throughout the length & breadth of the Church there is need for a new effort of evangelization & catechesis directed to the mind."Little Flower Quote o' the Day
—Pope St. John Paul II the Great (1920-2005, feast day: 22 October)
"My soul is at peace, for long ago I ceased to belong to myself!"Saint Quote o' the Day
—St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Doctor of the Church (1873-1897, feast day: 1 October)
"Non nisi te Domine." ("Nothing but You, Lord.")
—St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church (1225-1274, feast day: 28 January)
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