vLent 2019: "Jessica's Story: Good Catholic"
Scripture of the Day
Mass Readings—Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Lent
The Book of Daniel, chapter three, verses fourteen thru twenty, ninety-one, ninety-two, & ninety-five;
The Book of Daniel, chapter three, verses fifty-two, fifty-three, fifty-four, fifty-five, & fifty-six;
The Gospel according to John, chapter eight, verses thirty-one thru forty-two.
Commentary: Reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire):
Friends, today in our Gospel Jesus confronts those Jewish leaders who want to kill him, telling them that they are hardened in their sin. He says, "Amen, amen, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin."Video reflection by Jem Sullivan, Ph.D.: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
In our tradition, sin is a kind of nonbeing, an illusion, if you will. To live in sin is to live stubbornly in an unreal world. Our mind becomes confused and our will disoriented. This helps explain why the devil is often referred to as the father of lies.
Theologian Henri de Lubac gives voice to this conviction when he refers to sin as cette claudication mystérieuse, this mysterious limp. It is a deformation, a corruption.
All of us sinners have, to one degree or another, bought into the lie. At the heart of the lie—and we can see it in the Genesis account—is the deification of the ego. I become the center of the universe, I with my needs and my fears and my demands.
And when the puny "I" is the center of the cosmos, the tie that binds all things to one another is lost. The basic reality now becomes rivalry, competition, violence, and mistrust.
Reflect: Do you believe that you are a sinner and need a Savior to set things right? Why or why not?
Scripture Study—Exodus 90: Day 80
The Book of Exodus, chapter thirty-four, verses twenty-nine thru thirty-five.
Commentary: The Shining Face of Moses (Exodus, 34:29-35).
'Tis the commemoration of Saint Bademus, Abbot & Martyr (died 376; also spelt Bademe, Vadim), martyred in the reign of the Sassanid emperor Shapur II: Martyr-link & Wikipedia-link.
Commentary: Wayback Machine.
'Tis also the commemoration of Saint Fulbert of Chartes, Bishop (circa 952-1029), Bishop of Chartes: Saint-link & Wikipedia-link; Diocese-link Chartes & Wikipedia-link Chartes.
'Tis also the commemoration of Blessed Antonio Neyrot, Priest & Martyr, O.P. (1425-1460), martyred in the reign of the Hafsid king Uthman: Martyr-link & Wikipedia-link.
'Tis also the commemoration of Saint Magdalene of Canossa, Virgin (1774-1835, also spelt Maddalena), foundress of the Canossians, a family of two religious institutes & three affiliated organizations: Saint-link ūna, Saint-link duæ, & Wikipedia-link; Wikipedia-link Canossians.
'Tis also the commemoration of Blessed Bonifacy Żukowski, Religious & Martyr, O.F.M. Conv. (1913-1942, A.K.A. Piotr Żukowski), martyred in the reign of the Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, one of the One Hundred Eight Blessed Polish Martyrs: Martyr-link & Wikipedia-link (List, № 5); Martyrs-link Polska & Wikipedia-link Polska.
Papal Quote o' the Day
"Pray also for your brothers & sisters & for all the children of the world, especially those who are poor & hungry. Pray for those who do not know Jesus, for those who are alone & sad."Little Flower Quote o' the Day
—Pope St. John Paul II the Great (1920-2005, feast day: 22 October)
"You alone are true joy, my hope & my crown, my gladness & my honor, my Lord!"Saint Quote o' the Day
—St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Doctor of the Church (1873-1897, feast day: 1 October)
"A good death depends upon a good life."
—St. Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church (1542-1621, feast day: 17 September)
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