Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Bonus! Lied von ÖSTERREICH: 2 Tage

Montag, 7. Oktober
Jeffries Fan Club, "Healthy Body" from Take Warning: The Songs of Operation Ivy (Rude Boy Mike Papa Whale)

Skammentary: "Healthy Body" is a critique of fitness culture, of those obsessed with perfecting their bodies who simultaneously neglect their minds & their (moral) hearts. My issue is generally the opposite: I spend much of my time nourishing my mind & purifying my heart, to the neglect of my mind. This approach is not as wrongheaded as the former, but ultimately just as ineffectual. Man is neither purely material nor purely spiritual, man is a body-spirit composite; we are embodied souls, meaning we must care for both body & soul.
"…It's just a matter of time:
Sick body, sick mind."

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