Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Saints + Scripture

Simplex Complex Edition | Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea máxima culpa!

The Popish Plot
"A Guide for Friends of Mourners"

'Tis the Optional Memorial of Saint Lawrence of Brindisi, Priest & Doctor of the Church, O.F.M. Cap. (1559-1619, A.K.A. Giulio Cesare Russo), Vicar General of the Capuchins (1602-1605, O.F.M. Cap.), formally the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin: Doctor-link ūnus, Doctor-link duo, Doctor-link trēs, & Wikipedia-link; Doctors-link & Wikipedia-link Doctors; & Wikipedia-link O.F.M. Cap..

Commentary: Wayback Machine.

'Tis also the festival of Saint Práxedes of Rome, Virgin (died circa 165; also spelt Praxedis, Praxed): Saint-link & Wikipedia-link.

Commentary: Daughter of Ss. Pudens [19 May] & Claudia [7 August] & sister of Ss. Prudentia [19 May], Novatus [20 June], & Timotheus [?].

'Tis also the festival of Saint Victor of Marseilles, Martyr (died circa 290), martyred in the reign of the Roman emperors Diocletian & Maximian: Martyr-link & Wikipedia-link.

'Tis also the festival of Saint Simeon the Holy Fool, Hermit (died circa 570, A.K.A. the Insane, Simeon Salus, Simeon Solos): Saint-link & Wikipedia-link.

'Tis also the festival of Saint Arbogast of Strasbourg, Bishop (died circa 678, A.K.A. Arascach), sixth (VI) Bishop of Strasbourg (630-678): Saint-link & Wikipedia-link; Diocese-link & Wikipedia-link Strasbourg.

'Tis also the festival of Saint Alberico Crescitelli, Priest & Martyr, P.I.M.E. (1863-1900, A.K.A. Guo Xide), martyred in the reign of the Qing dynasty Guangxu Emperor, a victim of the Boxer Rebellion, one of the one hundred twenty Martyr Saints of China: Martyr-link & Wikipedia-link; Wikipedia-link Boxer Rebellion, Martyrs-link China, & Wikipedia-link China.

Scripture of the Day
Mass Readings—Tuesday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time
The Book of Micah, chapter seven, verses fourteen, fifteen, eighteen, nineteen, & twenty;
Psalm Eighty-five (R/. eight[a]), verses two, three, & four; five & six; & seven & eight;
The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter twelve, verses forty-six thru fifty.

Commentary: Reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire):
Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches that obedience to God’s will makes disciples his close relatives. “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers? . . . Whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother.”

The life of a disciple is a matter of obeying commandments. Listening to commands is tied closely to love on the part of the one who commands, and since love is nothing but the willing of the good of the other, the obedience that Jesus speaks of is a surrender to the one who massively wants what is best for the surrenderer.

I am urging you all to see the radicality of Jesus’ call to discipleship, which cuts through so many of the social conventions of his time and ours. I am urging you to see that everyone—rich and poor, men and women, those on the inside and those on the outs—are summoned to discipleship, and that this summons is the most important consideration of all. It is the one thing necessary.
Video reflection by Father Greg Friedman, O.F.M. (U.S.C. of Catholic Bishops): Daily Reflection.

Mass Readings—Optional Memorial of St. Lawrence of Brindisi
The Second Letter to the Corinthians, chapter four, verses one, two, five, six, & seven;
Psalm Forty (R/. eight[a] & nine[a]), verses two & four(a/b), seven & eight(a), eight(b) & nine, ten, & eleven;
The Gospel according to Mark, chapter four, verses one thru ten & thirteen thru twenty
(or, the Gospel according to Mark, chapter four, verses one thru nine).

Scripture Study—Day 91: Contentness Plateau, Day 30
The Second Book of Samuel, chapter eleven, verses three, four, & five.

Commentary: David Commits Adultery with Bathsheba (2 Samuel, Z).

Papal Quote o' the Day
"Christians must restore their spiritual & moral unity. It is not enough to say we are Christians. We must live as Christians. Genuine Christians derive the rule, style, & strength of their life from the Faith."
—Pope St. Paul VI (1897-1978, r. 1963-1978; feast: 29 May)
Saint Quote o' the Day
"When you invoke St. Joseph, you don't have to say much. Say, 'If you were in my place, St. Joseph, what would you do?' Well, pray for this on my behalf."
—St. André of Montreal (1845-1937, feast: 6 January)
Mother Teresa Quote o' the Day
"I have met many famous people, successful people, wealthy people, & powerful people. None of us—not you, or me, or them—ever do great things. But we can all do small things with great love, & together we can do something wonderful."
—St. Teresa of Calcutta, M.C. (1910-1997, feast: 5 September)
Archbishop Sheen Quote o' the Day
"How does God deal with humanity when humanity begins to multiply? Out of all of the peoples of the world, He chooses one people who are to be His people. This group, this corporation, or this special people are to be the means of bringing salvation to everyone else in the world. Now who were His people? His people were the people of Israel, & He called them first through Abraham, & He governed them through Moses; He ruled them through the judges & the kings; He threatened, pleaded, & coaxed; He warned, & He loved through the prophets. Over & over in the Old Testament we find that God Who loves humanity deals with them through this particular group. In His own words, God says in the book of Exodus, 'You shall be My peculiar possession above all people. For all the earth is Mine, & you shall be to Me a priestly kingdom, a holy nation.' And again God speaks & says, 'You shall be My people, & I shall be your God.'"
—Ven. Fulton Sheen (1895-1979)

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