Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Saints + Scripture

'Tis the festival of Saints Florus & Laurus of Illyria, Martyrs (second century): Martyr-link Foxtrot, Martyr-link Lima, & Wikipedia-link.

Commentary: Wayback Machine.

'Tis also the festival of Saint Agapitus of Palestrina, Martyr (circa 259-274), martyred in the reign of the Roman emperor Aurelian, a victim of his persecution: Martyr-link & Wikipedia-link; Persecutions-link.

'Tis also the festival of Saint Helena of Constantinople (circa 246-330, A.K.A. Flavia Julia Helena Augusta), who discovered the True Cross (326): Saint-link & Wikipedia-link; Wikipedia-link True Cross.

Commentary: Mother of the Roman emperor Constantine, who is considered a saint in the East.

'Tis also the festival of Saint Inan of Ayrshire, Hermit (ninth century; also spelt Evan, A.K.A. Tennant, Tinnan, etc.): Saint-link & Wikipedia-link.

'Tis also the festival of Blessed Martín Martínez Pascual, Priest & Martyr (1910-1936), martyred by Spanish Communist "Republicans" (Rojos): Martyr-link & Wikipedia-link (en español).

'Tis also the festival of Saint Alberto Hurtado, Priest, S.J. (1901-1952, A.K.A. Luis Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga): Saint-link & Wikipedia-link.

Scripture of the Day
Mass Readings—Tuesday of the Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time
The Book of Ezekiel, chapter twenty-eight, verses one thru ten;
The Book of Deuteronomy, chapter thirty-two (R/. thirty-nine[c]), verses twenty-six & twenty-seven(a/b), twenty-seven(c/d) & twenty-eight, thirty, & thirty-five(c/d) & thirty-six(a/b);
The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter nineteen, verses twenty-three thru thirty.

Commentary: Gospel reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire):
Friends, in today’s Gospel, the Lord explains why it’s hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven. Don’t think in terms of some specific measurement of wealth. Think in terms of a frame of mind. A rich person is convinced that joy will come from filling up the ego.

So Peter asked: “We have given up everything and followed you. What will there be for us?” And Jesus replied, “Everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times more, and will inherit eternal life.” It’s so important to note that this is not a sort of capitalist calculation: Just make a good investment and you’ll get a spectacular return. You’ll have all the houses and money you want.

Once you let go of the world in a spirit of detachment, once you remove the things of this world from your grasp and see them without distortion, you will really have them. They will appear as they are, as God intended them. They will no longer be objects for your manipulation or possession but beautiful realities in themselves.
Video reflection by Dennis Mahaney (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops): Daily Reflection.

Scripture Study—Pierced Hands Bible Reading Plan: Day 18
The Book of Genesis, chapter thirty-three (verses one thru twenty);
The Book of Genesis, chapter thirty-four (verses one thru thirty-one);
The Book of the Psalms, psalm eighteen (verses one thru fifty);
The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter nine, verses eighteen thru thirty-eight.

Commentary: Jacob & Esau Meet (Genesis, 33:1-17), Jacob Comes to Shechem (Genesis, 33:18-20), Shechem Defiles Dinah (Genesis, 34:1-24), & Dinah Is Avenged by Her Brothers (Genesis, 34:25-31); Royal Thanksgiving for Victory (Psalm 18); & a Girl Restored to Life & a Woman Healed (Matthew, 9:18-26), Jesus Heals Two Blind Men (Matthew, 9:27-31),Jesus Heals a Man Who Was Mute (Matthew, 9:32-34), & the Harvest Is Plentiful, the Laborers Are Few (Matthew, 9:35-38).

Scripture Study—Day 91: Decapitation Rock, Day 16
The Second Book of Samuel, chapter eighteen, verses one thru five.

Commentary: The Defeat & Death of Absalom (2 Samuel, 18:1-5).

Papal Quote o' the Day
"In the interior life we are not alone, but live with Christ. We share His thoughts & actions, & we associate with Him as a friend, a disciple &, as it were, a collaborator."
—Pope Ven. Pius XII (1876-1958, r. 1939-1958)
Saint Quote o' the Day
"Jesus Christ is all my riches… He alone is sufficient for me."
—St. Louis of Toulouse (1274-1297, feast: 19 August)
Mother Teresa Quote o' the Day
"It is much easier to conquer a country than to conquer ourselves. Every act of disobedience weakens my spiritual life. It is like a wound letting out every drop of one's blood. Nothing can cause havoc in our spiritual life as quickly as disobedience."
—St. Teresa of Calcutta, M.C. (1910-1997, feast: 5 September)
Archbishop Sheen Quote o' the Day
"If we are to change our direction, a new power is needed. For example, if I take a ball & throw it across the room, the ball will continue in a straight line unless some superior power averts it. So too, natural human beings continue in certain directions, as Paul would have continued his persecution. Sinners would continue in their sin. Agnostics would continue in their doubt unless some superior power intervened. And that is the power of grace."
—Ven. Fulton Sheen (1895-1979)

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