Sunday, June 19, 2022

Bonus! Song o' Juneteenth

Marvin Gaye, "What's Going On" from Motown 1's (Mike Papa Whiskey)

Commentary: Microsoft encourages ignorance, this morning describing Juneteenth:
General Gordon Granger arrives on Galveston Island, Texas, with official news: More than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation had been implemented, America's remaining enslaved men, women, and children are freed. The day will be celebrated in Texas, and later in other states, as 'Juneteenth.'
Apparently, Microsoft is unaware that the Emancipation Proclamation only applied to slaves within the illegitimate "Confederate States of America," that there were slave states that remained within the Union & slavery was not abolished throughout the country until the ratification of Amendment XIII to the United States Constitution.

We cannot overcome the tragedies of the past by perpetuating false narratives & spreading misinformation about the tragedies of the past.

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