Saints of the Day
'Tis the Memorial of Saint Charles Lwanga & Companions, Martyrs (died 1885-1887), martyred in the reign of the king Mwanga II.Commentary: Wayback Machine '21 & Wayback Machine '17.
Quoth Minute Meditations from the Popes:
Almighty God, Saint Charles Lwanga & his companions were tried in the crucible of suffering & found worthy. May I be willing to see Your will in my suffering.'Tis the Friday of the Seventh Week of Easter (Latin: Pascha, meaning "Passover"): Pascha-link & Wikipedia-link Paschaltide.

Mass Readings—Friday of the Seventh Week of Easter
The Acts of the Apostles, chapter twenty-five, verses thirteen(b) thru twenty-one;
Psalm One Hundred Three (R/. nineteen[a]; or, "Alleluia"), verses one & two, eleven & twelve, & nineteen & twenty(a/b);
The Gospel according to John, chapter twenty-one, verses fifteen thru nineteen.
Commentary: Paschal Readings.
Gospel reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire):
Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves him. Thus the Lord gave Peter the opportunity to be reconciled with him for his threefold denial.Video reflection by Laura Brill (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops): Paschal Reflection.
What does the word "reconciliation" mean? It is derived from the Latin term cilia, meaning eyelashes. To be re-conciled is to be brought eyelash to eyelash with another, to see face to face, eye to eye.
Jesus was perceived by the first Christians as the fulfillment of this hope of Israel. He was himself, in person, the reconciliation of divinity and humanity. This is why Paul calls him the New Adam. This is why the doctrinal tradition refers to him as true God and true man.
This is also why Jesus is called Soter, Salvator, Savior. He is the healer of the rift between God and the human race. And Jesus’ whole ministry, therefore, is one of reconciliation, of restoring humanity to right praise, to orthodoxy, to harmony and adoration.
Video reflection by Doctor Tim Gray (Augustine Institute/ Paschal Reflection.
Mass Readings—Memorial of Saint Charles Lwanga & Companions
The Second Book of the Maccabees, chapter seven, verses one, two, & nine thru fourteen;
Psalm One Hundred Twenty-four (R/. seven), verses two & three, four & five, & seven(b) & eight;
The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter five, verses one thru twelve.
Commentary: Memorial Readings.
Papal Quote o' the Day
"From Jesus' behavior we learn a double lesson: that human suffering has a precise role to play in God's plan, & that it moves to compassion the Heart of Jesus. For He knows how much suffering can affect human weakness & put it to the test."Saint Quote o' the Day
—Pope Saint John Paul II the Great (1920-2005, r. 1978-2005; feast: 22 October)
"Let nothing disturb you, nothing frighten you. All things pass. God does not change. Patience achieves everything."Mother Teresa Quote o' the Day
—Saint Teresa of Ávila, O.C.D., Doctor of the Church (1515-1582, feast: 15 October)
"Let us offer everything to Jesus—every sorrow, humiliation, discomfort. In this way, you too, can take your stand at the foot of the cross with Mary, our Mother."Archbishop Sheen Quote o' the Day
—Saint Teresa of Calcutta, M.C. (1910-1997, feast: 5 September)
"By exposing our puny little self to the Infinite, we have made the true Infinity of God seem trivial."
—Venerable Fulton Sheen (1895-1979)
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