Commentary: Wayback Machine '21 & Wayback Machine '20.
Scripture of the Week
Mass Readings—Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Book of Genesis, chapter eighteen, verses one thru ten(a);
Psalm Fifteen (R/. one[a]), verses two & three, three & four, & five;
The Letter to the Colossians, chapter one, verses twenty-four thru twenty-eight;
The Gospel according to Luke, chapter ten, verses thirty-eight thru forty-two.
Commentary: Sunday Readings.
Gospel reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire):
Friends, today’s Gospel inspires protests more than almost any other that I’ve preached on. "Hey Bishop, I think Martha gets a bum rap." And for centuries the story has been read that Martha represents the "active" life and Mary the "contemplative" life. I would like to stress that the active/contemplative reading of the Martha and Mary story is not that helpful. We have to dig a little deeper.Video reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire): Sunday Sermon.
What does he upbraid Martha for? "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things." It is the frantic, divided, unfocused quality of her life that Jesus is drawing attention to. And what is Mary being praised for? Not precisely that she is "contemplative," but that she has chosen the unum necessarium (the one necessary thing). She sits quietly at the feet of the Lord, not so much eschewing work as gathering herself, learning what she is essentially about.
There is a cacophony of voices calling out to you; there are a thousand influences pulling you this way and that. What’s the one necessary thing? It is to listen to the voice of Jesus as he tells you of his love and as he tells you who you are.
Video reflection by Father Greg Friedman, O.F.M. (U.S.C. of Catholic Bishops): Sunday Reflection.
Video reflection by Doctor Tim Gray (Augustine Institute/ Sunday Reflection.
Audio reflection by Scott Hahn, Ph.D. (St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology): Breaking the Bread.
Papal Quote o' the Day
"Hear the voice of Christ, calling you to join His workers: invest life with a direction, by making your own the concern of the Church for the elevation & progress of people. The Church fully understands the yearnings of your generous heart."Saint Quote o' the Day
—Pope Saint Paul VI (1897-1978, r. 1963-1978; feast: 29 May)
"May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith."Mother Teresa Quote o' the Day
—Saint Teresa of Ávila, O.C.D., Doctor of the Church (1515-1582, feast: 15 October)
"Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person. Today."Archbishop Sheen Quote o' the Day
—Saint Teresa of Calcutta, M.C. (1910-1997, feast: 5 September)
"Before the sin, Satan assures us that it is of no consequence; after the sin, he persuades us that it is unforgivable."
—Venerable Fulton Sheen (1895-1979)
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