Friday, September 6, 2024

Bonus! Song o' the Day: In Memoriam

James Darren, "Here's to the Losers" from This One's from the Heart (Mike Papa Whiskey)

Commentary: In Memoriam James Darren (8 June 1936-2 September 2024). Requiescat in pace.
"Here's to those who love not wisely, no, not wisely, but too well,
To the girl who sighs with envy when she hears that wedding bell,
To the guy who'd throw a party if he knew someone to call,
Here's to the losers, bless them all!

"Here's to those who drink their dinners when that lady doesn't show,
To the girls who wait for kisses underneath that mistletoe,
To the lovely summer lovers when the leaves begin to fall,
Here's to the losers, bless them all!…

"Here's the last toast of the evening, here's to those who still believe,
All the losers will be winners, all the givers shall receive,
Here's to trouble-free tomorrows, may your sorrows all be small,
Here's to the losers, bless them all!…"

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