Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Explorers' Club, № MXLV

Operation AXIOM: The Space Age—The 40th Anniversary of S.T.S.-41-D, Part II
2-5 September 1984: Hartsfield, Coats, Mullane, Hawley, Resnik, & Walker tested the OAST-1 solar array, a prototype of the large, lightweight arrays that still power the International Space Station; this was highlighted in the IMAX film The Dream Is Alive (1985); a flaw in the waste dump nozzle formed an icicle made of urine (a "pee-sicle"); after 97 orbits, the Discovery landed at California's Edwards.
Bonus! Space Age Song o' the Day: S.T.S.-41-D
Go Sailor, "Ray of Sunshine" from Go Sailor (Space Cadet Mike Papa Whiskey)
Semper exploro.

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