Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Day: Go Blue!

Team 145, Game 4: Michigan v. U.S.C.
Half Past Two, "So Cal Summer" from the Camp Slushtone E.P. (Mike Papa Wolverine)

Commentary: B1G conference play opens against the University of Southern… California? What I have never understood about the epithetless Trojans & their whole schtick—the Spirit of Troy marching band, the Trojan Shrine statue (Tommy Trojan)—is that Troy not only lost the legendary Trojan War, but the city was destroyed so comprehensively that it was lost to history until the 1870s. The "topless towers of Ilium" were toppled! Trojan Horse, anyone? Weird to emulate defeat.

The loss of regionalism in college football is a terrible, terrible mistake. This process began a decade ago—2014—when the B1G abandoned its Midwestern identity by admitting Maryland & Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. But even Maryland & New Jersey, as non-Midwestern as they are, are at least continguous with B1G territory. Admitting the Left Coast—Washington, Oregon, & California—is something else entirely. Not only has the B1G disdained its own identity, but we fans are being asked to embrace the Ancient Enemy, core members of the former Pac-12, as members of our own conference. I don't know for certain that conference realignment & the end of regionalism will destroy college sports, but I do know that these malign forces are already dimming my love for college sports. It could turn out that 2023 was the last year of college football, & the valiant Wolverines are the ultimate champions.

Go Blue!

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