Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Stars My Destination
The end. It's over, done, finished: anticlimaxlink. My thanks to the brave men & women who have challenged the reign of gravity & sundered the veil of the heavens. We must continue their work, we must return to the celestial realm. "Ye dare not stoop to less—." We must have the courage to dream, & to translate our dreams into real-world science & engineering.

"Gully Foyle is my name,
And Terra is my nation,
Deep space is my dwelling place,
The stars my destination!"
—Alfred Bester, The Stars My Destination

1 comment:

K.Steeze said...

Love the photo from the space station. Amazing. Also, I love being able to say, "from the space station." An age of wonders, truly. I remain hopeful for the next thirty years of exploration, because that's all I can do at this time.