19 October-22 November 1914: The First Battle of Ypres—The end of the war of maneuver on the "Western Front," the beginning in earnest of trench warfare, & the all-but-complete annihilation of the British Expeditionary Force, whose few survivors became known as the "Old Contemptibles."

Commentary: The writing on the last photograph reads, "Gentlemen of India marching to chasten German hooligans."
There would be, before war's end, three Battles of Ypres, each lasting weeks or months as Germans & Belgians, French, British, & Allied colonial troops fought & died over the same patch of ground, over & over & over again.
Lest we forget.
The Rebel Black Dot Songs of the Day
The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, The Ballad of Candelpin Paul" from The Magic of Youth (Echo Sierra)
Commentary: Yesterday on the FaceSpace, Echo Sierra, a Michigander emigrant to the Bay State, mentioned learning to bowl candlepin-style alongside his young son, Quebec. I met Echo Sierra & his wife, Delta Kilo, through the Gal & the Guy, though I am now pleased to call myself their friend in my own right. Echo Sierra is a thoughtful & respectful debater, one of my few friends on the political Left with whom reasoned discussion is not only possible but welcome, our hectic schedules permitting. I've never had occasion to assign him a permanent code name, thus the placeholder "Echo Sierra."
Sonntag, 23 November
Nancy Sinatra, "You Only Live Twice" from Best of Bond… James Bond 50th Anniversary Collection (T.L.A.M.)
Commentary: The collection's title is a train wreck. First, the iconic phrase, "Bond, James Bond" (pinched from Bond's never consummated girlfriend from the first two films, Sylvia Trench, who introduces herself as "Trench, Sylvia Trench," only in response to which 007 says, "Bond, James Bond") should be written as "Bond, James Bond," not "Bond… James Bond." There is no omitted dialogue, so wherefore the ellipsis? 'Tis grammatical nonsense. Second, there really should be a colon 'twixt the second "Bond" & "50th Anniversary Collection." Else, there should be a colon instead of an ellipsis amidst "Bond… James Bond," so that the title wold read as "Best of Bond: James Bond 50th Anniversary Collection." I am punctilious. For this I shall never apologize. Never!
"You Only Live Twice" is a pretty good song, You Only Live Twice is a mediocre novel, & You Only Live Twice is a phenomenal feature film. "You Only Live twice" is heavily sampled in Robbie Williams's "Millennium," of which I am also quite fond.
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