Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Operation ÖSTERREICH: Exodus 90, Day 3

Weekly Wednesday Weigh-in
Last weigh-in: 334.6 lbs. (Wednesday, 19 December 2018)
This weigh-in: 340.4 lbs.
Difference: +5.8 lbs.

First came the feast, now comes the fast. Under the Exodus 90 protocols, both Wednesdays & Fridays are fast days, & between-meal snacking is prohibited throughout the ninety-day exercise. "Regular, intense [physical] exercise" is also one of the Exodus 90 disciplines; this has long been the single most neglected part of the overall ÖSTERREICH picture.

The lowest documented weight during this iteration of Operation ÖSTERREICH was achieved on 26 September 2018, seventeen weeks hence: three hundred twenty-five & three-fifths pounds (325.6 lbs.), just shy of fifteen pounds lighter than today's three hundred forty & two-fifths pounds (340.4 lbs.). Fifteen pounds gained (+14.8 lbs.) in seventeen weeks, when the ostensible aim was to drop thirty-four pounds (-34 lbs.). For the sake of the Kingdom—& I pray, not for the sake of vanity—I must learn to enjoy, rather than dread, rumblings of emptiness from my stomach.

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