Sunday, December 4, 2005

Hyperlink. One can always hope that the entrenched Western influence in Hong Kong and the island's international prominence will stay Beijing's hand and prevent a violent resolution to these protests, but we must also remember that the international press was in Beijing in unprecedented numbers in May and June 1989 to cover then-Soviet Premier Gorbachev's first visit to China and yet the Tiananmen Square Massacre happened anyway. I don't think the situation in Hong Kong will come to that, not in the immediate future at any rate, but it would be a mistake to underestimate the institutional brutality of the People's Liberation Army.

I'm Dreaming of a Red Xmas
Three weeks until Christmas and still no sign of a list from the Goldbricker. For Pete's sake, today is the second Sunday in Advent! Lists are supposed to be circulated before Halloween! So, fuck him, he's getting whatever I feel like giving.

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