Thursday, December 8, 2005

Remember, gang, there are important distinctions between a meteoroid, a meteor, and a meteorite. A meteoroid is a rock in space on it's way to destroying the Rose Bowl in the middle of the game between USC and Texas; a meteor is the same rock as it streaks through the Earth's atmosphere, leaving behind it a brilliant tail of flames; and a meteorite is whatever will remain of that rock after it annihilates the Rose Bowl, both thuggish teams, and their contempable fans in a hellish explosion. The proper terminology makes imaging the destruction of the Trojans and the Longhorns both more enjoyable and more educational! Science!

This January 4, I'll be rooting for a plucky little meteoroid to become first a meteor, then a meteorite, and finally a harbinger of the demise of bad sportsmanship in college football.

I'm Dreaming of a Red Xmas
I have now completed my Christmas shopping. I await the delivery of several items purchased through ye olde internet commerce, but I have high hopes of having all the presents wrapped by this time next week. And to what do we owe our thanks for such modern conveniences as internet commerce and endlessly quotable episodes of Futurama and Invader ZIM on DVD? You know it. Science!

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