This image is my new desktop.
"Hail! to the victors valiant
Hail! to the conqu'ring heroes
Hail! Hail! to Michigan,
The leaders and best!
Hail! to the victors valiant
Hail! to the conqu'ring heroes
Hail! Hail! to Michigan,
The champions of the West!"
All is splendor and light, all is goodness and warmth, the valiant Wolverines prevailed! All the jealous, malignant souls who swore we stood not a chance in hell against the filthy Gators may feel free to slither back under their respective rocks. Sweet, sweet redemption.
More, much more to come, but for now the hour is late and life must slowly return to normal after the grandeur of the holidays, and I leave you with a hearty GO BLUE!
Thank you, Coach Carr, and Godspeed.
The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Holiday
Spike Jones & His City Slickers, "Happy New Year" from The Spike Jones Anthology (T.L.A.M.)
Commentary: Happy New Year!
The University of Michigan Marching Band, "The Victors" from A Saturday Tradition (T.L.A.M.)
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