№ CCLXXV - The Forbidden City.

Project MERCATOR | Happy Birthday!
Today is Ska Army's birthday, though he sometimes likes to claim he was born on Leap Day; so, last night he invited a gang of his fellows out for ill-defined revelry to celebrate the anniversary of his birth. I was slightly miffed to be asked to miss the half-season premiere of Psych to celebrate his birthday on a day that isn't his birthday, but that was insufficient reason to refuse the invitation. (Plus, I have preserved Psych though the modern marvel of videotape recording.) Many drinks & many laughs punctuated the evening, & as it wore on it became increasingly evident that Ska Army's plan of drinking to excess was ill-conceived, as he was soon in no shape to pilot his motorcar, his intended means of getting home. Fear not, I acted as (self-)designated driver* & at the close of the festivities conveyed him to his home in Lumi the Snow Queen. I'm a decent enough bloke to have driven him home, but not so decent as to have today assisted him in the retrieval of said left-behind motorcar. I was not aware of the ersatz party 'til mere hours beforehand & I stayed out much later than I'd intended, but it was worthwhile insofar as I believe the quasi-birthday boy had a gay old time. Happy birthday, Aaron!
At one point, April May June, who was at the same public house with a different party, bought a pair of double shots, one each for herself & Ska Army. I fear he's pining for her, despite her stated desire to be "just friends." Ah, well, he's a big boy & if he doesn't know better already he'll learn sooner or later.
*An act of multifaceted sobriety, being both socially responsible & inexpensive.
I did not wear a hat on Ash Wednesday because I did not wish to smudge or remove the ashes from my forehead. Last weekend, the blonde whirlwind code named Miss Alaska borrowed my flatcap & wore it at a jaunty angle. Circumstances conspired so that I could not retrieve it right away & had to walk around in the (all too rare) winter chill of far western Connecticut without any headgear. I'd cut my hair days earlier & thus my head was quite cold. Later, Miss Alaska asked if she could keep my flatcap (she's insane; so, I have no ideas if she was jesting or in earnest), because it looked better on her. I put my foot down & demanded the return of my hat. Yes, my hats are stylish, but more importantly they are functional. They protect me from the winter's chill & the death rays of the Accursed Sun. A man should wear a hat, a conviction steadily reinforced by a variety of circumstances & experiences.
1 comment:
Women of all manner of relationship will ask to keep your hat because it looks better on them. Knowing that they're wrong will give you strength.
Not well worn shoes, not a well worn coat, nor even well worn underwear is as familiar as your well worn hat.
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