Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Vote for Kodos
Senator Santorum flooded the State of Michigan with "robo-calls" urging Democrats to undermine the legitimacy of last week's Republican presidential primary, & yet now he's haraunging the Michigan G.O.P. for awarding Governor Romney to two at-large delegates who were always to be given to the winner of said state Republican presidental primary? Mr. Romney carried the statewide vote by 41% to Santorum's 38%, clearly entitling the governor to those two delegates, the winner's bonus. There are few things more revealing of a man's character than how he reacts to a defeat or a reversal. The senator has revealed himself to be, amongst many other things, a sore loser. What a jerk!

'Tis hoped that "Super Tuesday" commentary will be more prompt. Time for reflection is laudable, but a week's delay is ridiculous, Mike.

I watched President Obama's speech to A.I.P.A.C. on C.-S.P.A.N. The most noteworthy feature was the president's repeated assertions that no one could doubt his commitment to Israel's security & the Israeli-American martial & diplomatic alliance. Were there no grounds for doubting Mr. Obama's fidelity to that decades-old alliance, why are there so many of us—including the reliably Democratic voters of New York's 9th Congressional District in a special election last fall—possessed of those very doubts? Iosif Dzhugashvili had a point when he observed that "quantity has a quality all its own," but the endless repetition of a dubious assertion does little to nothing to augment the veracity of that assertion. I am naturally inclined to view the president as petulant; take my perception of his speech's petulance with a grain of salt.

President Obama looked tired during today's very rare press conference. (Hey, remember the vociferous manner in which Candidate Obama criticized then-President Bush for not holding enough press conferences? Those intemperate remarks are funny, in a very bitter way, now that it is Mr. Obama who hadn't held a press conference for months.) Take heart, Mr. President, with any luck you'll be able to retire & to recover your vim & vigor in just a few short months, at noon on 20 January of next year. I think principally of your well being, sir.

The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day
Icon for Hire, "The Grey" from Scripted (T.L.A.M.)

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