Friday, March 30, 2012

A persistent but low level question about my whiskers, specifically my moustache, was if it would interfere with making out, since I'd not kissed a girl since initiating first the Banzai Beard Bonanza II: Bonsai's Revenge & then the whiskers of permanence for the foreseeable future. There didn't seem to be any problems tonight, at least none caused by the whiskers. Too soon to say if the moustache is, as 'tis hoped, a signal of virility, but at least now I know its not a hindrance. Onward & upward!

The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day
The Aquabats!, "Stuck In a Movie!" from Charge!! Special One Year Anniversary Edition (Captain Thumbs-up)

1 comment:

twg said...

As the happy "owner" of a bearded boyfriend, yes, there's some initial chafing, a case of what I call "makeout chin" or two, but it has since righted itself and my face has acclimated.