Friday, October 12, 2012

Operation AXIOM
Five hundred twenty years ago to the day, 12 October 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered the New World. The world in which we "live, thrive, and survive" is scarcely imaginable had the Old World not come to know, & in the fullness of time be redeemed by, the New. We forget the courage of the Admiral of the Ocean Seas & the men of the Santa Maria, the Pinta, & the Niña at our peril, for a world without men brave enough to sail over the horizon into unknown waters is a world doomed to mediocrity, decline, & dust. Let us also honor the Admiral's efforts to save souls by bringing the Word, the Light, & the Truth to the heathens of this New World. There would be no Columbia without Columbus, no Plymouth Rock for our forebears to have fled in search of freedom & prosperity, no "last best hope of earth." 'Tis Columbus Day; rejoice in this New World, & the new world it has wrought.

Today is Columbus Day, Friday, 12 October, not Monday, 8 October. The devil take Congress's morale-destroying bid to hollow every holiday of meaning in pursuit of bloating, soul-sapping three-day weekends for unionized public sector employees!

Also, it's been twenty years since the five hundredth anniversary of the discover, 12 October 1992. '92 was twenty years ago; we're getting a little long in the tooth, my contemporaries.

Yesterday at the library a little girl said, "I like your moustache." When her little brother emerged from the water closet he too beheld my visage & spontaneously said, "I like your moustache." Simply well-mannered youngsters or genuine hope for the future?

The Rebel Black Dot 007 Song of the Day
Lulu, "The Man with the Golden Gun" via iTunes (T.L.A.M.)

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