Sunday, July 12, 2015


To-day is the fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Scripture of the Day
Personal Reading
Introduction to the First Letter to the Corinthians.

Mass Readings
The Book of Amos, chapter seven, verses twelve thru fifteen;
Psalm Eighty-five, verses nine thru fourteen;
The Letter to the Ephesians, chapter one, verses three thru fourteen;
The Gospel according to Mark, chapter six, verses seven thru thirteen.

Monday, 6 July, was the optional memorial of Saint Maria Goretti, Virgin & Martyr (1890-1902): Martyr-link ūna, Martyr-link duae, & Wikipedia-link.

Commentary: Quoth last week's bulletin:
Patron of youth, young women, purity, & victims of rape. She is called a martyr because she fought against [Alessandro's] attempts at sexual assault. However, the most important aspect of her story is her forgiveness of her attacker—her concern for her enemy extending even beyond death.
Urbi et Orbi at Midyear
Thus far, the year's Mass count already exceeds last year's, which itself vastly exceeded its goals. Extrapolating this trend through the end of the year, last year's Mass count could well be doubled. I've not yet missed a Sunday, but betwixt a variety of factors—illness, travel, a disrupted routine, being in a funk (which I'd characterize as malaise, not ennui)—during three weeks, two of them consecutive to constitute a fortnight, I failed in my goal to attend at least two non-Sunday Masses per week. There's nothing for it but to resolve to do better & then to devise & implement habits & procedures to make it more likely I will do better. The numbers aren't important in & of themselves, they are just the outward signs of inward grace.

2008: 32
2009: 33
2010: 32
2011: 37
2012: 45
2013: 63
2014: 130
2015: 141…

Mass Journal: Week 26
Sunday, 21 June 2015
Reflection by Matthew Kelly of the Dynamic Catholic Institute
Only one thing is necessary for Catholicism to flourish—authentic lives. Throughout history, wherever you find men & women genuinely striving to live the Christian life, the Church has always blossomed. If we wish to speak effectively to the modern world about God, the Christian life, & Catholicism, we must be thriving, blossoming, & flourishing in that life. The best way to speak about God is to thrive in the life He calls us to live. The authentic life begins with the simple desire to be who God created us to be & cooperate with God by playing the part he has designed for us in human history. The adventure of salvation begins when we stop asking, "What's in it for me?" & turn humbly to God in our hearts & ask, How may I serve? What work do You wish for me to do with my life? What is Your will for my life?

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