Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Explorers' Club, № CDXLVI

October 1914-11 July 1915: The Battle of the Rufiji Delta—the blockade & bombardment by a British Royal Navy squadron of the German cruiser S.M.S. Königsberg, eventually scuttled by her crew, most of whom escaped overland with some of the Königsberg's guns, which were used to great effect as artillery in the East Africa Campaign.

Lest we forget.

Below, the wreck of the Königsberg, photographed years later, overgrown with vegetation in Tanzania's Rufiji Delta.

The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day
The Puppini Sisters, "Tu Vo Fa L'Americano" from Betcha Bottom Dollar (Mike Papa Whiskey)

Commentary: The title, which apparently should be rendered as "Tu Vuò Fà L'Americano," is Italian for "You Want to Be American." The song satirizes those who idolized America & adopted supposedly "American" habits & preferences. I don't know, you might be barking up the wrong tree, fellas; leaving war-ravaged Italy for the welcoming bosom of Columbia seems to have worked out pretty well for Mario Andretti. Here at The Secret Base, our patriotism is robust enough to withstand a little ribbing from sniveling, ingrate Fascists whom we freed from Nazi occupation.

As always, the Puppini Sisters harmonize beautifully.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The photo purporting to show the Königsberg today is actually the wreck of the Somali which was its support ship.