Commentary: Wayback Machine. Quoth the Holy Redeemer bulletin:
He was a Spanish Dominican friar int he thirteenth century, who compiled the Decretals of Gregory IX, a collection of canon laws that remained a major part of Church law until the twentieth century. He is... the patron saint of lawyers, especially canon lawyers.Quoth the Holy Family bulletin:
A renowned expert in canon & civil law, St. Raymond also worked for the formation of priests & the evangelization of Jews & Muslims. He encouraged missionaries to learn Arabic & to study the Koran in order to enter into dialogue with Islam. He was born at Penyafort, near Barcelona, between 1175-1180. he studied at the cathedral in Barcelona & proceeded to the University of Bologna where he became an eminent professor of canon law. He was a diocesan priest, be became a Domunican in 1218. He was a dedicated confessor & was dedicated to evangelization. He also encouraged St. Thomas Aquinas (28 January) to write his Summa contra Gentiles. He died at Barcelona on 6 January 1275.'Tis also the feast of Saint Lucian of Antioch, Martyr (circa 240-312), martyred under the emperor Maxentius: Martyr-link, & Wikipedia-link.
Scripture of the Day
Mass Readings
The First Letter of John, chapter four, verse nineteen thru chapter five, verse four;
Psalm Seventy-two, verses one, two, fourteen, fifteen(b,c), & seventeen;
The Gospel according to Luke, chapter four, verses fourteen thru twenty-two;
or, for the Memorial,
The Second Letter to the Corinthians, chapter five, verses fourteen thru twenty;
Psalm One Hundred Three, verse one;
The Gospel according to Luke, chapter twelve, verses thirty-five thru forty.
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