Monday, January 25, 2016

The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day

Spinal Tap, "Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight" from This Is Spinal Tap (The Last Angry Man)

Commentary: I am unaware how to type "Spın̈al Tap," so I copied & pasted the word from the Wikipedia into Blogger's H.T.M.L. composer, which displays the word with that queer gap 'twixt the farcical, umlaut-topped N & the A. In monkeying around with the text, eventually producing the mundanely spelt "Spinals" you see above, three keystrokes were necessary to delete the N & the dotless I. The first keystroke deleted the umlaut but left the N, the second obliterated the N, & the third did in the peculiar I. So that happened.

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