Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Lord's Day

The O.C. Supertones, "Shut Up" from Supertones Strike Back (The Last Angry Man)

Commentary: "But when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?" (Luke, 18:8)
"'Religious fanatic,' that's what they say.
True, I may be on the brink.
I hear them yell at us, 'Shut up & play!'
Well, who asked what you think?

"No time for mediocrity,
Convenience of practicality.
He went all out for us.
Say what you will, I'll answer to my God.

"I'm a freak! They say I've lost my mind,
But I know I've never seen so clearly.
When I speak, they say I've gone too far this time,
And lets me know that I have not gone nearly.

"Bible-thumpin' reactionist,
And I'm proud to beat the name.
Take our music, take away our lives,
Jesus still remains.

I wonder what will people think
When they hear that I'm a Jesus freak.
He went all out for us.
Say what you will, I'll answer to my God.

"I'm a freak! They say I've lost my mind,
But I know I've never seen so clearly, etc."

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