Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Day: SKAugust!

The Aquabats!, "My Skateboard!" from The Fury of The Aquabats! (Captain Thumbs Up!)

Skammentary!: In 1999, we knew that romance led only to heartbreak & sadness, yet we all heard the siren song of cute girls & dutifully pursued our own doom.
"It's Friday night, I wanted to go out,
I didn't want to go to no show,
Didn't want to cruise Main Street,
I didn't want to go to no disco, no, no!
I just wanted you to come over,
Sit on my couch, and hold me tight,
But you went out with some dumb jock
And left me alone with my skateboard tonight!…"

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