The Explorers Club
No. XCVIII - Dred Scott (1799-1858) and Dred Scott v. Sandford (sic), handed down on 6 March 1857, the darkest day in American jurisprudence.

Saturday's victory by the Red Wings, 3-2 over the Ottawa Senators, was a much needed ray of sunshine on a thoroughly miserable and darkling day. The opening night loss to the Toronto Maple Leafs, 3-2 exactly one week hence, was unfortunate, but not nearly as disastrous as was portrayed by the local sports press, the panicky dullards.
Last summer saw the Red Wings claim the Stanley Cup for the fourth time in eleven seasons, approximately the same interval in which I have counted myself as a fan of both hockey and the Detroit Red Wings. Though I know my heart is true, I will harbor no blame for any man who suspects me of being a fairweather fan until such time as the Red Wings endure tribulations and a period of considerable futility, and I remain loyal. 'Tis with a grin from ear to ear that I report my confidence that the hour of my trial shan't strike for some time yet. I am not so full of bravado as to predict that the Red Wings will repeat as stewards of Lord Stanley's Cup, but... yes, I am. Who dares wins. Great in '08 and just as fine in '09!
The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day
They Might Be Giants, "Mr. Me" from Then: The Earlier Years, Disc Two (T.L.A.M.)
Commentary: A great many songs have been hamstrung by their lack of harmonious whistling. Not so with "Mr. Me"!
"He ended up really, really sad."
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